LinkedIn is your online resume.
It’s your online professional identity, where you “build and engage with your professional network”.
And what are resumes used for? To help you secure a new job or business and work opportunities. Given that, you need to present yourself in a professional light, otherwise you can kiss all the job offers and new opportunities your seeking goodbye.
Most of the common mistakes people make on LinkedIn relate to their profile picture.
5 tips to make a great impression with your LinkedIn profile picture
TIP #1 – Use a recent photograph
People need to recognise you. Anything more than 5 years old is too old.
TIP #2 – You should be the only star
Your pet/best friend/significant other should not make an appearance. This also includes not using your company/business logo for your individual profile image – that’s what company pages are for.
TIP #3 – Use a good quality image
Fuzzy and pixelated photos need not apply. Good lighting is your friend – use it. No nightclub or extreme sporting shots – keep those for Facebook!
TIP #4 – Have the right size image
Currently the maximum LinkedIn profile image size is 500 x 500 pixels and the minimum is 200 x 200 pixels
TIP #5 – Wear appropriate clothing
No shirtless or cleavage showing. Regardless of your industry, there is an outfit that’s professional and appropriate.